How to check PMAY permanent waiting list online 2025-26 of any state?

Mahesh Patel

Other Schemes

Everyone is eagerly waiting for their turn to get Pucca House under the PMAY Scheme. So, here today you will pass through the steps which will help you to check online PM Awas waiting list 2025. In this wait list you can check the priority number of your own by selecting the state, district and providing other demographic information.

Don’t worry for any inconveniences to check online PM awas yojana waiting list. It’s totally simple method covered with few steps.

So, let’s explore the way to check PMAY permanent waiting list. Hurry up!

Unlocking the process – PMAY permanent waiting list online

Here are the steps that will help to check online waiting list for the beneficiaries of PM Awas Scheme. Let’s follow the step-by-step guide.

Step 1: Visit the official website of PMAY-G.

First step of any application or checking beneficiary list is to open the official website. Here is the web address;

Step 2: Hit on the Report Section

pmayg wait list

On the home page, you have to check the main menu where you can see the tab called “Awaassoft” when you drag the cursor then automatically open drop down menu where you will find “report” section.

Step 3: Click on the SECC Reports

pm awas permanent waiting list

After clicking on the “report” section you will lend on the new window where you have to find “SECC Reports” which shows in “E” section. In which you have to click on the 4th category called “Category wise SECC data verification summary”.

Step 4: Enter Geographic information

On the new page, you will see the list of all states with total beneficiaries and rejection list of beneficiaries. On this page, upper left side corner, you have to enter your state, district, block and gram panchayat name.

pm awas scheme gramin waiting list

After that you have to answer one tricky question like what is the answer of (72-20)? Like that. Oh Crazy!

Step 5: Click on the Submit button

Now, PMAY-G waiting list showing on your screen after hitting the Submit button. Where you get below information of the wait list.

  • District Name
  • Block Name
  • Panchayat Name
  • Registration Number
  • Beneficiary Name
  • Father Name
  • Mother Name
  • Category of beneficiary
  • Priority (waiting number)

Finally, you passed away through the process where you can check online PM awas waiting list of 2025-26.

Read Also: PM Awas Yojana Gramin List of Assam

Contact Details

Here you already know the process to check permanent waiting list of PM Awas Yojana Gramin. But if you have any queries regarding the list then please contact here on this email:


We ( try our best to explain you about PM awas list. If this article will help you then please share it with other beneficiaries. That’s why they also check the name on the list. If you loved most this post then join our WhatsApp community for further updates about government schemes as well as finance solutions perticular based on govt schemes.

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