AP Andariki Illu Scheme 2025 Housing for all: Check Eligibility and How to apply

Mahesh Patel

Other Schemes

The Andhra Pradesh state government recently issued government order (GO) regarding Andariki Illu Scheme which is also known as Housing for all scheme. In this scheme, state government will provide house or house site (land) for the eligible poor families in the state.

So, today through this article, you will get full details of Pedalandariki Illu Eligibility criteria along with the process which you have to follow for the application under housing for all scheme.

About Pedalandariki Illu (Housing for All) 2025

Before the assembly elections, Chandrababu Naidu promised that of they forms a government in Andhra Pradesh then their government will provide house to all in the state. So, Andariki Illu (Housing for All Scheme) is the result of their promise. Now the AP State government issued GO to provide house site (land for the house) or financial assistance to construct a house.

Through this scheme every eligible poor families will get a plot or financial assistance to construct a house on the plots. The land will also provide to the eligible beneficiaries of the scheme.


The primary goal to launch the scheme is provided house for all the needy people in the state. As per the GO, house will be provided within 2 years under the scheme. For that state government also allocate the budget.

Housing for All Scheme Eligibility Criteria

Those who want to avail house under the scheme must follow these rules.

  • Only those who has Domicile certificate of the Andhra Pradesh are eligible to avail scheme benefits.
  • Applicant should belongs to identifies as a BPL category.
  • Applicant doesn’t have a house or plots anywhere in the state.
  • Applicant will be ineligible if they get house or house site patta before that from the state government or central government.
  • If Applicant already benefited under PM Awas Yojana or same like this then he or she will be disqualified to apply for Andhra Pradesh Housing for All Scheme in 2025.
  • Applicant must have a valid Aadhar card for applying under the scheme.
  • Applicant has not exceeding the 5 acres of dry agriculture land and not exceeding to 2.5 acres of wetland agriculture land.
  • House sites will be allotted to the beneficiaries only on government land.
  • If applicant was benefited a house title in previous years but they don’t built a house will be cancelled to avail scheme benefits.

Documents Required for online registration

  • Domicile Certificate
  • Aadhar Card
  • BPL Card
  • White Ration Card
  • Mobile number of applicant
  • Bank Details etc.

These documents are necessary for online registration under Andariki Illu Scheme in Andhra Pradesh.

Benefits of the scheme

As we discussed earlier that those who don’t have a house sites to build a house will be provided land and those who has a plots may be benefited by the financial assistance to construct a house.

One another thing is those who live in rural areas will get 3 cents plots (House site patta) and those beneficiaries who live in urban areas will get 2 cents of plots to construct a house.

How to Apply Online for Andariki Illu Scheme?

Those who are waiting for online application under the scheme have to wait a little bit. Because very soon state government will start to receive online application through official portal (https://housing.ap.gov.in/). Whenever starts the application process here on this website we also provide updates regarding online application. So don’t forget to bookmark this page.

Offline Application

If state government will announce for the offline application process then it’s possible only through village panchayat and ward office. If this happens, stay tuned for the updates.

Also Read: Deepam Scheme Andhra Pradesh

Selection process of beneficiary

There may chance that applications for house will be received at village and ward secretariats. Once this happened, the VRO and RI will prepare a list of the beneficiaries according the applications received and sent it to the higher authorities. After that final list of the beneficiaries will be released by the state government.

Core Highlights

Scheme NameHousing for all scheme (Andariki Illu)
Announced ByChandrababu Naidu
StateAndhra Pradesh
BenefitsProvide house or plots
BeneficiaryPoor family in the state
Financial AssistanceNot disclosed yet
Mode of applicationOnline or Offline
Official Websitehttps://housing.ap.gov.in/
Helpline Number08663501300
GO copy pdfClick Here
Home PagePM Surya Ghar Yojana

Contact Details

Email: housing.ap@gmail.com

Toll Free Number: 08663501300


Que: In which state Andariki Illu Scheme launched?

Ans: Andhra Pradesh

Que: Who are eligible for Housing for All Scheme?

Ans: Those who are poor are eligible. Along with that there are more rules too to avail scheme benefits.

Que: When the house will be provided in Andhra Pradesh under Andariki Illu?

Ans: State government set a goal for 2 years. Whenever more updates release from the government here we also provide updates in this website.

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