The Maharashtra state government launched ladki bahin yojana and provide Rs 1500 per month from August, 2024. But recently after the cabinet meeting, WCD minister Aditi Tatkare announced to starting scrutinizing process of the Ladki Bahin Yojana beneficiary list.
Here in this article, you will find the new list of the scheme after the scrutinized and also check who will disqualify for the ladki bahin scheme in this scrutinize process.
- 1 Why Ladki Bahin Yojana beneficiary list will be scrutinized?
- 1.1 Latest updates
- 1.2 Who will be rejected after Maharashtra ladki bahin yojana scrutinized?
- 1.3 Highlights
- 1.4 Who are eligible for the scheme after scrutinized?
- 1.5 How to check Ladki Bahin Yojana new beneficiary list online?
- 1.6 New beneficiary list search through mobile app
- 1.7 Helpline Number
- 1.8 FAQs for Ladki Bahin new list
Why Ladki Bahin Yojana beneficiary list will be scrutinized?
Maharashtra Majhi Ladki Bahin Yojana 2025 is running for only those women whose family is really economical weaker and need financial assistance. So, through this scheme those women are eligible. But anyhow there are so many women beneficiaries was received ladki bahin yojana installment without meeting eligibility criteria of the scheme. So the state government decide that ladki bahin yojana beneficiary list will be scrutinized and those who really need this scheme’s benefits and remain to avail will be qualified.
Latest updates
Recently in early January, 2025 state cabinet approved the scrutiny process for the scheme. Women and Child Development minister Aditi Tatkare said that Maharashtra state government very soon to start scrutinizing process.
Approximately there are 2.47 crores women who are benefited under the scheme and availed Rs 7500 from the five installments. For providing the Rs 1500 each month, state needed approx 46,000 crores every month. So, due to that state faced financial problems in future.
Who will be rejected after Maharashtra ladki bahin yojana scrutinized?
Simply if you check the SOP of the scheme then you will also check your eligibility conditions by own. Although check the below points to remind the conditions.
- Those women who are belonging to families that own four wheeler will be scrutinized in the new beneficiary list 2025.
- Those who have left the Maharashtra following their marriage also rejected for the scheme.
- Those women beneficiaries whose name on the Aadhar card and bank account was different also trimmed under the new list.
- State account department verify all eligible families PAN card and if any beneficiary found whose annual income is more than 2.5 lakhs are also rejected for the scheme.
Also Read: Solar panel price in Maharashtra
Scheme Name | Ladki Bahin Yojana |
Latest Updates | Beneficiaries will be scrutinized |
Objective | Provide financial assistance to the women |
Financial Assistance Amount | Rs 1500 |
Target beneficiaries | Womens whose economic conditions is weak |
How to check beneficiary list? | Online through official website or App |
Official Website | |
Toll free number | 181 |
#Maharashtra While Bhakt Mandali is spreading fake and misinformation abt Bus fare hike. Look what is happening in Maharashtra with ladli behna yojana by Phasavanavis govt. They plan to club it with other DBT schemes and make sure that benefit is limited to 1500 only. This is…
— Apurva Mirajkar (@apurvasays) January 3, 2025
Who are eligible for the scheme after scrutinized?
If you followed these criteria then you will be eligible for the scheme.
- Women who are permanent resident of Maharashtra are eligible.
- Age of the women must be between 21 to 60 years.
- Those families women are eligible whose economic conditions is weaker.
- Applicant’s family annual income not exceeding to 2.5 lakh.
- Four wheeler not registered in the name of any family members of the beneficiaries.
How to check Ladki Bahin Yojana new beneficiary list online?
Step 1: Visit Official website of Maharashtra Ladki Bahin Yojana. (
Step 2: On the home page, applicant have to click on the “Login” option.
Step 3: Now on the new page, you have to enter your login credentials and hit the Login button.
Step 4: Once logged in, on the new page applicant have to click on “Beneficiary List” option to check the new list.
Step 5: Now you have to enter district and block name to filter your area.
Step 6: After that select your village name or ward name and click on the “check list” option.
Step 7: Now Ladki Bahin Yojana new beneficiary list update will be displayed on your screen.
This is how easy to check the new updated list of the scheme. This same process you can follow on the app. Let’s discuss below.
Also Read: Ladka Bhau Yojana How to Apply Online
New beneficiary list search through mobile app
Step 1: Open a Google Play Store or Apple app Store and download the mobile app.
Step 2: Now enter your username and password on the Login page.
Step 3: After logged in, you have to select your district name, block name, ward or village name.
Step 4: Now you have to click on the check beneficiary list button.
Helpline Number
If you have any queries regarding the scheme then you can contact helpline number 181 for the assistance.
The same way here on PM Surya Ghar Yojana publish updates on the government schemes. so you can bookmark this site for future help.
FAQs for Ladki Bahin new list
Que: Who will be rejected under ladki bahin yojana beneficiary list?
Ans: Those who are ineligible even benefited by the installment amount 1500 rupees every month.
Que: How to check new updated list of ladki bahin yojana Maharashtra online?
Ans: By visiting official portal
Que: Which department decided to trimming the beneficiaries of the scheme?
Ans: Women and Child Development Department of Maharashtra