Tips to Cleaning and Maintain Solar Panel with Cost Effective Ways


Hey guys, after installation of rooftop solar panel you need to attention cleaning and maintaining the solar panel for their effectiveness and longevity performance.

Specially in India, PM Surya Ghar Yojana become so popular in which 1 Crore households will be benefited and install solar panel. Before that there are huge numbers of households that was installed RTS (Rooftop Solar Panel) system.

So, here we share measurable maintenance tips for your solar panel which will ensure the safety of solar panels as well as your pocket too. Let’s know why you need to maintain and clean solar panel?

Why it’s necessary to maintain solar panels?

As we all know that solar panel can produce energy from the sun rays up to 20 to 25 years long. But it’s true if we maintain properly the solar panels without make any damages.

As per the data we collect from the internet that maintaining and cleaning of solar panels can produce 10 to 15% more energy than without cleaning of solar panels.

If you want to get more outputs from the rooftop solar plant then you must maintain the solar panels from dust and other debris. Let’s check the maintenance tips for solar panels.

Tips to Maintain Solar Panels in India

  • Regular Checking the Structure: Solar panels mounted on the frames which you have to check on the regular basis. If it’s in the weak conditions then please maintain the whole frame structure.
  • Avoiding Shade Area: Sometimes, our rooftop solar panel are under the shades of building or trees. If it’s happening then please think about the solution where your solar panel get proper contact with solar rays.
  • Checking of Panels and their connection: You have to visual inspection of the solar panels because at the time of cleaning if your solar panel cracks then you have to change it as well as whenever you go for the visual inspection please note the electrical connection and clean them properly.
  • Schedule for Cleaning: Regular cleaning of solar panels is necessary for it’s longevity performance. You have to made some schedule for regular cleaning the solar panels. For specially in India, you have to clean the solar panels monthly.
  • Protect from Natural Calamities: Thunderstorm and snowy atmosphere is the part of life in Monsoon season in India. At that time you have to cover your panels with proper hard materials. That’s why snowy fall and thunderstorms doesn’t harm your panels.

Tips to clean solar panels with cost effective ways

  • Cleaning Robot: Robot cleaning solutions not for residential purpose because it’s costlier then the manual cleaning. That’s why if your install capacity of solar panels in MW then you can go with solar panel cleaning robots.
  • Use Cleaning Kits: Specially for solar panel cleaning there are kits available in the online as well as offline market of the India which you can use for the solar panel cleaning solution. Which contains biodegradable soap, soft brush and wiper.
  • Home made cleaning techniques: You can clean the solar panels at your own way with the help of thin fiber cloth and mild detergent which is used to clean the glass. This way of cleaning is the cost effective for residential rooftop solar panel owners.
  • Soft Brushes with extendable handle: At the time of cleaning, please do not press hard your brush to the panels it will lead you to damage or cracks on the panels. If possible then use long extendable handle with attached a smooth brush which is easily available in the eCommerce platform.
  • Set Cleaning Time: It’s very important because when you clean with water at the time of solar panel working then water is cold and panel is hot if they both mixed will reduce the efficiency of solar panel. That’s why you must clean the solar panel at very morning or late afternoon when solar energy is not to high.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do solar panels need a lot of maintenance?

A: Yes, if atmosphere is dusty and thunderstorm but regularly do not required a lot of maintenance.

Q: What is the Maintenance Cost of solar panels?

A: It’s totally depend on how you maintain and clean the solar panels also it’s depend on how many solar panels do you have.

Q: Do commercial solar panel need maintenance?

A: Yes, why not.

Final Words

So, one thing is final that if you installed rooftop solar panel then you must keep the maintain and clean the panels for the higher efficiency. You can easily consider these points for cleaning and maintaining your solar panels. If you liked this information then please share it with other solar panel owners. Keep supporting us.

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